Rules for Financial Assistance to the Dependent Children
This Rules called as Financial Assistance for Non-Institutional Care of Dependent Children was extended in Manipur since 18th Sept. 1992 vide Govt. letter No. came into existence No. 12/2/92-SW. While applying for such assistance, every candidate has to follow the rules as given below :
Eligibility Conditions
- Shall be citizen of India and resident of Manipur at least for the last six years.
- Shall be in the age group of 6 to 14 years
- Shall be studying as a regular student in an institution recognised by the Government of Manipur. The Assistance may also be extended to the Children who are not students but give the specific undertaking that they will take admission in a institution within 3 months from the date of sanction of the Financial assistance. failure to take admission in Schools within the stipulated period will disentitle the child to receive the assistance.
- Shall be a dependent Child/failing under any one of the following classification
- Both the parents of the child should be physically or mentally and economically incapacitated to maintain the child or
- The Child is deprived of normal parental support, care of guardian.
- The parent's income shall not exceed Rs.500/- p.m
- Provided the income limit is not applicable in case of Child who is taken care of by his her relative, foster parent or guardian on account of the death of both his/her parents
- Provided the sanction should be limited to one child of the family
- Provided further that recipients of old age pension are also entitled to get this benefit for their children subject to fulfillment of provision laid down under Eligibility Rules.
Amount of Assistance
- Assistance shall be sanctioned quarterly for the whole financial year during which these are granted and shall be subject to renewal from year to year.
- The amount of assistance shall be sixty rupees per month per child or such rate as may be fixed by the State Government from time to time by notification in the official Gazette.
- The assistance may continue so long as the Child continues hi s/ her studies in the institution or attains the age of 14 years whichever is earlier, or the causes of destitution no longer exist.
- Any one applying for this assistance should submit the following documents along with the filled-in application form
- To proof the age of the applicant, Birth Certificate issued by Municipality / Sub-Divisional Office or an affidavit shown before a First Class Magistrate by the applicant or a certificate from the Head of the Institution where the applicant studied.
- 2 (two) recent photographs of the Child.
Change of Address
- It shall be obligatory on an applicant to intimate any change of the Director, Department of social welfare Govt. of Manipur or District Social Welfare Officer of the concerned District as the case may be. The Children shifting to place outside the State of Manipur for a period exceeding three months shall not be eligible for this benefit.
For more information
contact the Social Welfare Department, Govt. of Manipur